Silicon Power Electronics introduces an economical range of bridge rectifiers using high-quality glass passivated diode/thyristor chips with high voltage and high surge current rating. Features include electrically insulated package and excellent thermal conductivity ensuring life of the product. Typical applications include Invertors, UPS, Welding machines, and Alternator.
Standard Recovery Diodes For Alternator
Stud mounted diffused junction Silicon rectifiers are specially designed for rotating applications. Diodes are spin tested at 3600rpm and pull tested to ensure quality for rotar application
Glass passivated chips
Voltage: 800V to 1800V
Spin test @3600rpm
High surge current capacity
Stud anode/cathode
Stud anode/Pull tested
Material Specification
Stud: Stud of mild steel
GM seal- Mild steel with glass providing insulation between seal base and tube.
Stud and GM seal welded to form joint capable to withstand pull test of min 15kg.
Tin plated diode surface with 10-15 microns.
Do5 package in M6 / M8 / (1/4” UNF) for 40Amp/70Amp/95Amp